Replacing Pernambuco

More than 200 years ago bowmakers found that Pernambuco was the best wood for bow sticks. Compared to other species of wood it offered the best resiliency, strength and resonance. It has since become the standard material for bows for all stringed instruments.
Pernambuco originates from the "Mata Atlantica" in Brazil. It is this little known coastal rainforest which has almost completely disappeared due to clearings and over-harvesting. The "Pau Brazil", the brazilwood tree, is one of the most important species of this forest. In 2007 it was classified as an endangered species, entering the Cites listing in Appendix 2, significantly restricting its exploitation.
But apparently this did not stop poaching, smuggling and forging of certificates. In 2018 the Brazilian authorities launched operation Dó-Ré-Mi to stop all illegal activities in a field that some say is "more profitable than cocaine".
This operation has resulted to more than $10 million in fines against 33 bowmakers and the confiscation of almost 150,000 bows and wooden sticks.
At the Cites Conference in Panama in November 2022 Pernambuco should have put on the highest status of protection, Appendix 1. A strong, international lobby, made up mostly of violin dealers and bow makers, prevented this listing, as it would have put a stop on all travel and trade. Instead it was agreed that 1) all illegal stock and business must be stopped and materials and products confiscated and 2) an global database of all (remaining) legal wood and bows must be built, so that every musician, violin shop or customs officer can easily determine if a bow is legal or not.
Both these requirements are not being fulfilled up to now. On the contrary, we hear that illegal felling and smuggling is still going on.
The next Cites conference will take place in November 2025 and we expect that Pernambuco will finally be put on Appendix 1. This means that all trade (selling and buying) will be punishable, as well as any crossing of borders. Bow made from pernambuco with thus lose any trade value, no matter how old it may be or what kind of papers might be produces, for species listed on Appendix 1 no exceptions are being granted.
Matching Modern Strings
When the "modern" bow was designed in France around 1800 the instruments of the violin family used almost exclusively pure gut strings. Those strings were much lighter than today's composite and steel core strings with metal windings. The discrepancy between the relatively soft wooden
bows and heavy modern strings ads to the difficulties in playing the violin instruments.
We have designed the Müsing bows with just the right resiliency to match modern strings and thus make your playing more natural and easy.
Reducing the Resin Content in Carbon Fiber Bows
Simple "carbon" bows actually consist of more epoxy resin than carbon fibers. Producing such bows is relatively simple and not much more difficult than making wooden bows. The problem is that the resin (mostly Epoxy) dampens the high frequency overtones. If you play with such a bow you will notice that the sound is quite dull and uninspiring. Its projection is also compromised though it may sound quite full under the ear.
To achieve the same resonance as fine Pernambuco bows we had to reduce the resin content in the stick. We could achieve this only by developing an entirely new production technology for which we use 3-D woven carbon fibers. The result is a resonance quality and overtone-rich sound that is indistinguishable from expensive wooden bows.
Creating a Perfect Bounce
The bounce of a bow is a result of its curve, stiffness, weight, balance point and especially the distribution of resiliency and weight along the stick. We have build a theoretical model around our own playing experience, calculations, hard thinking and lots of computer based finite element analysis. You will be surprised how easy it is to control the bounce of the Müsing bows and equally easy to stop the bounce again and pull a perfect detaché.
Travel the World
Many traditional bows feature materials that are no longer allowed across borders: Tip plates made from ivory, frogs from tortoiseshell or ivory, whalebone windings, lizard skin thumb leather - just to name a few. The intention behind these strict import regulations is to protect endangered species of animals and plants. That's why many orchestras and musicians today are looking for bows that they can travel internationally with and use at their concerts abroad.
With a Müsing bow, you don't need to worry about that. Since we don't use any materials from endangered species, they allow for unrestricted and worry-free travel. At the same time, they offer the same sound quality and playability as a very good traditional wooden bow, with which international travel could be problematic.
The End of Fatigue and Pain
If you are one of too many musicians who experience a tired bow arm or shoulder, sore thumb or other discomfort in your right hand, playing with a Müsing bow may surprise you with a long lost comfort and ease. You may in fact lose that trouble altogether. The reason behind it is the different fundamental resonance of the bow stick, as is not as low as in a wooden bow and thus much less troublesome.
Finding the Right Bow
It is virtually impossible to make two exactly identical bow sticks from carbon fiber composite. You will find that all Müsing bows vary not only in looks and weight, but also in play and feel. So in case you are not completely happy with one certain bow, please try another one of the same type.
We classify the sticks for their resonance quality, which also varies quite a bit. Our most economic C2 bow offers a sound that is still more powerful and richer than every other carbon bow (Arcus and other Müsing bows excluded).
Our C3 bow is pure joy to play, providing an instant response, crisp articulation and perfect control. The sound of our professional C4 bow is a match to fine old and expensive bows and will never disappoint you, no matter where you play. And last but not least our masterpiece, the C5 bow: Its everything a committed musician ever wanted, and will give you the possibility to give impressive performances, unleashing a voluminous and beautiful sound.
Made in Germany
Enjoying a 15 year warranty
All Müsing bows are designed and made in Würzburg, Germany, with utmost care and dedication. By using only the best available materials and our propriatory process the quality of the Müsing bows is unsurpassed in their class. We can therefore offer a warranty of 15 years on the stick. The frog is covered by a 2 year warranty. These warranties are transferable and not limited to the initial owner.
The hair, winding, thumb leather screw and eye are excluded from the warranty as they are subject to normal wear and tear.