Rehairing your bow

If 5-10% or more of the hair is broken or the ribbon is so stretched out that the bow can no longer be brought to playing tension, the bow should be rehaired. This is done in the same way as with traditional bows, except that more hair is used to match the higher resiliency of the stick. For our violin bows we recommend 7.5mm², for viola bows 9.5mm², for cello bows 12mm² and for double bass bows 14mm².
To check the hair thickness of a bow, we recommend to use the hair gauge of B.Logic, our in-house brand for accessories.
Ideal hair thickness in mm²

Cleaning the stick

To prevent rosin buildup on the stick, simply wipe it with a soft cloth regularly after playing. In case there is some build up that is hard to remove we recommend that you spread a few drops of oil on a cloth and gently clean the stick. You can either remove the light oil film with a clean cloth or leave it on the stick. This will prevent rosin buildup and make it more easy to wipe off.
Cleaning the bow hair

When the bow loses its grip, it may be time to clean the hair. Rehairing the bow is only necessary when about 5-10% of the hair is lost or the hairs are stretched out. Rosin is a gluey substance that not only provides the grip between the hair and the string, but also collects all kinds of dirt and thus loses its original function.
To clean the hair we recommend to use pure alcohol spread on a paper towel. Rub the hair with this and repeat the process until almost all rosin is removed and the hair looks clean. Let the hair dry and then comb it carefully. The hair is as good as new. Now you can add just a little fresh rosin and you are ready to play.
Watch our tutorial on how to clean your bow:
Recommended strings and rosin
The Müsing bows are very responsive and offer a particularly wide range of overtones and no lack of brilliance. This means you should use your rosin sparingly. We also recommend lighter, harder rosin, which will bring out the cleanest and most beautiful sound. For the violin this could be Arcus # 1, Melos Violin light, Gustav Bernadel, Millant Colophane 2000, Pirastro Gold, or Pirastro Goldflex.
The violin is quite delicate in its sound balance. As the Müsing bows offer more brilliance and overtones than most other carbon bows and the majority of low to mid-priced pernambuco bows, you might find your current set of strings to make a rather bright, maybe even shrill, tight or edgy sound.
By switching to warmer sounding strings, you will enjoy the amazing sound spectrum of the Müsing bows and achieve a perfectly balanced, rich and powerful sound.
The most economical warm sounding strings are Thomastik Spirit, Warchal Karneol, D'Addario Pro Arte and Corelli Crystal. Maybe the best match to your Müsing would be a mid range string like the Thomastik Vision Solo, Larsen Tzigane, D'Addario Zyex or Warchal Amber. In the first class there are for example the Pirastro Evah Pirazzi gold and the Kaplan Amo.
Luckily neither the viola nor the cello are so delicate in their sound balance. So just enjoy the richness and brilliance the Müsing bows offer.

15 Year Warranty
All Müsing bows are completely made in Germany with utmost care by highly skilled craftsmen, using only the most advanced and durable materials. That is why we can offer a 15 year warranty on the stick. This warranty is not limited to the initial owner, but transfers to any future owner and user. The frog is covered by a 2 year warranty.
The hair, winding, thumb leather, screw and eyelet are excluded from any warranty as they are subject to normal wear and tear.
In case you experience a quality issue with your Müsing bow, please turn to the original seller. Should that not be possible, please contact us directly.